KUALA LUMPUR, 9 DECEMBER, 2011: A movement which calls itself ABU or Asalkan Bukan Umno (Anyone But Umno) announced its bold statement calling Malaysians to rise up to voice out their displeasure towards Umno and reject the party in the runup to the 13th General Election.  In a statement made by one of the movement’s main representatives Badrul Hisham, better known as Chegubard, during its first media conference, he urged Malaysians, especially those who have been marginalized to break out from their silence.
“We are calling out to all workers, farmers, fishermen, associations, organizations, government bodies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties – excluding Umno, opposition parties or Independent parties, professionals, academicians and intellectuals, artists and all those who are marginalized including Mat Rempits, the homeless, unemployed and others to establish clearly (through media statements or demonstrations) our loss of confidence towards Umno which has lost its purpose, corrupt, conceited, oppressive, ruthless and more lately ignorant and arrogant,” he said to those who attended the media conference held at the KL Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall here, today.
 “Now is not the time to remain silent anymore and disregard, unless you are willing to bequeath Malaysia which has been impoverished to our future generations. Do we still fail to see or intentionally allow the little that’s left of our democratic rights which have mostly been denied while our demands continue to be ignored?” he added.
Badrul, who is also the chairman of Solidariti Anak Muda Malaysia (SAMM) and a PKR member also announced that ABU will be launching a nationwide campaign to call on to Malaysians voice out their “disgust and repulsion towards the misappropriations and corruption being practiced by Umno”.
Alongside Badrul were Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM) President Haris Ibrahim ( right) and representatives from Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM), Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) and various non-governmental organizations. Earlier, the same announcement was made by PRM President Dr Rohana Ariffin in a media conference held in Penang and it is believed that the ABU message had been spread throughout each state in the Peninsula today whereas, in Sabah and Sarawak, the message will be announced tomorrow.
PSM central community member, V Selvam said: “PSM supports the statement and objective of ABU”, said Selvam.
“Umno have shown its bad treatment towards rakyat demands over this years, this is the time rakyat rise and demand for changes,” he added
He further claimed that PSM had recently suffered ill treatment by the Umno/BN government which had collaborated with authorities and “racial mobs” during the detention of the EO6 where 28 of PSM members were detained under the Emergency Ordinance for allegedly waging war against the King.
“PSM members in a bus were surrounded by 200 Malay mobs and when they tried to escape into the police station to seek for help, the police restrained from doing their job to protect us,” said Selvan.
“This shows how the police and authorities are controlled by Umno/BN government,” Selvan added.
Meanwhile, Haris Ibrahim of MCLM said that ABU was set to reach to the rakyat with information that will show how Umno have been manipulating the country for the past six decades.
“Even before the Independence, Umno has been largely responsible in manipulating towards the rakyat,
“It is now that ABU will expose all (of Umno’s wrongdoings) and spread it to the rakyat to prove that the sentiments that Umno helps and protects Malaysians are wrong,” said Haris.
Another member of the movement, Zukarnain Abdullah (left) of PRM, said the party accepts the statements read by Badrul.
He also urged Malaysians to use the ABU movement in rejecting Umno and its “manipulation” once and for all.
“I call for Malaysians to use this chance and execute Umno. Let’s stop them from ruling this country for they have ruled this country badly, he said.
 Meanwhile, Badrul, when asked about ABU, said that it is a non-structured movement and people from all segments of life are invited to join the movement.
“We (ABU) are not linked to any political party. We are independent and this is a movement, not an organization. This is the rakyat’s movement,” he said.
Earlier, Badrul announced that ABU will be holding a big forum at Taman Melewar, Gombak on December 15, 2011 at 8pm which will be attended by the rakyat from all over Malaysia.
He added that the movement will also be making another big announcement which will change the “unhealthy political situation” in the country. - mD |