Friday, May 22, 2009

113 groups alarmed about death of 2 migrants in Detention Centre

Joint Statement - 23/5/2009



We, the undersigned, are alarmed to hear that Sa La Hin, 26, and Thang Hoih Ping, 21, two Burmese migrants, have died in the Malaysia’s Juru Immigration Detention Centre from Leptospirosis. This is disease that is usually caused by exposure to water contaminated with the urine of infected animals, such as rodents, cattle, pigs, horses, dogs and wild animals. The fact, that 2 persons are dead and others have been infected by this disease, again highlights the state of hygiene, cleanliness and healthcare at Malaysian Detention Centres.

We recall that it was reported in the media in December 2008, that "About 1,300 illegal foreigners have died during detention in the past six years, Malaysia Nanban quoted Malaysian Human Rights (Suhakam) commissioner Datuk N. Siva Subramaniam as saying. He said many of them died in immigration detention centres, prisons and police lockups because they were denied medical treatment at the right time.” [Star, 18/12/2008, ‘1,300 foreign detainees died due to neglect’]. Now, Sa La Hin and Thang Hoih Ping may just be the latest additions to that list of detainees that died due to similar reasons.

We also recall the words of SUHAKAM in their response to the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) dated 13/1/2009, that correctly stated that ‘…SUHAKAM views the denial of medical attention to the point of endangering one’s life as a serious violation of that person’s right to life….’

These deaths may have been avoided if medical attention was provided promptly, and we call for an independent public inquiry to determine whether there was such negligence on the part of the Ikatan Relawan Rakyat or better known as RELA (a People's Volunteer Corps), and the Immigration officers, who are currently responsible for Immigration Detention Centres in Malaysia.

We do appreciate the fact that the Director General of Immigration has now decided that ‘cleanliness and hygiene at immigration depots nationwide are to be stepped-up to ensure safety of staff and inmates there against contracting infectious diseases’ (Bernama, 19/5/2009, Cleanliness, Hygiene at Immigration Depot to Be Stepped Up).

We hope that this is not merely a knee-jerk response, which is temporary in nature, but a new and permanent commitment by Malaysia to improve standards and conditions of Detention Centres and other places of detention.

The current once a week visit by a medical officer to the Detention Centres is certainly inadequate. There should be, at the very least, a permanent clinic/dispensary manned by a medical assistant, with a doctor visiting detainees for several hours at least once every two days or more frequently.

New users of the Detention facility should also be determined free from easily transmittable diseases like Tuberculosis and the A(H1N1) flu before being introduced to the general population of detention places.

There should also be regular visits by the Health Officer, who shall monitor the conditions, including of the living and sleeping environment, of the Detention Centre to ensure that it meets the highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness.

The foods, and all aspects of food preparation, also need to be monitored by the Health Department especially since there is a possibility that the fault in the recent deaths could be the current caterer of food and drink.

With regard to those who have died, we are of the opinion that their family and/or dependents should be given adequate compensation by the persons responsible, the detaining authority and the Malaysian government.

Officers and persons responsible for the acts or omissions that resulted in death and suffering should be charged and prosecuted for these crimes. They should not be permitted to hide behind safeguards provided to public servants and/or the RELA volunteers, which unfortunately only promotes culture of impunity with no sense of responsibility and respect for human life.

We, the undersigned, call on the Malaysian Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) to immediately commence a public inquiry into these deaths and detention places generally, and come up with concrete recommendations which could be implemented that will improve state of cleanliness, hygiene and healthcare of all detention places in Malaysia.

We are also call upon the Ministry of Health and the government of Malaysia to take necessary steps to ensure that proper steps be taken to ensure that such disregard for life does not happen again.

We reiterate the call for the abolition of RELA, and restate our position that law enforcement, and management of detention places should be done by professionally trained full-time public servants, not volunteers.

Charles Hector
Pranom Somwong

For and on behalf of the 113 organizations/groups listed below:-

Action for Health Initiatives (ACHIEVE), Inc, Philippines
Action Network for Migrants (ANM), Thailand
All Women's Action Society (AWAM), Malaysia
Alternative ASEAN Network on Burma
Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development (APWLD)
Asia Pacific Mission for Migrants (APMM), Hong Kong
Asia-Pacific Solidarity Coalition (APSOC)
Asia Pacific Workers Solidarity Link (APWSL), Korea
Asian Migrants' Coordinating Body - Hong Kong (AMCB-HK)
Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma)-AAPP
Bahrain Center for Human Rights
Bar Council Human Rights Committee, Malaysia
Bar Council's Legal Aid Centre, Malaysia
Building and Wood Workers International, Asia Pacific Regional Office
Burma Campaign Australia
Burma Campaign, Malaysia
Burma Campaign UK
Burma Centre Delhi (BCD)
Burma's Nationalities Association (BNA)- Norway
Burma Partnership
Cambodian Women's Crisis Center
Canadian Friends of Burma (CFOB)
CDS (Community Development Services), Sri Lanka
Center for Migrant Advocacy, Philippines
Center for Orang Asli Concerns (COAC), Malaysia
Centre for Public Policy Studies (CPPS), Malaysia
Chin Human Rights Organization
Civil Society Committee of LLG Cultural Development Centre (LLGCSC)
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach (USA)
Commission For Filipino Migrant Workers (CFMW) - The Netherlands
Committee for Asian Women (CAW)
Coordination of Action Research on AIDS & Mobility (CARAM -Asia)
Democratic Party for a New Society (DPNS), Burma
Development Action for Women Network (DAWN), Philippines
Empower Foundation, Thailand
Ethnic Nationalities Council
FIDH - International Federation for Human Rights
Filipino Migrant Workers' Union - Hong Kong (FMWU)
Forum for Democracy in Burma
Foundation for Education and Development (Formerly, Grassroots HRE (Burma)
Free Burma Coalition - Philippines (FBC-Phils)
Free Burma Campaign, South Africa
Friends of Burma, Malaysia
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (GAATW)
HAKAM - National Human Rights Society, Malaysia
Health Equity Initiatives, Malaysia
H.O.M.E. (Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics), Singapore
Hope Workers’ Center, Taiwan
HRWG - Indonesia's NGO Coalition for International Advocacy
Hsinchu Catholic Diocese Migrants and New Immigrants Service Center, Taiwan
IMPARSIAL, the Indonesia Human Rights Monitor, Jakarta – Indonesia
INFID (International NGO Forum on Indonesian Development)
Initiatives for International Dialogue (IID)
Kachin Women's Association Thailand
KAFIN Migrant Center, Japan
KAFIN - Saitama, Japan
Kayan National Development Foundation (KNDF)
Khmer Kampuchea Krom Human rights Organisation (KKKHRO), Cambodia
Labornet Korea
Labour Resource Centre, Malaysia
Legal Support for Children and Women (LSCW), Cambodia
LHRLA (Lawyers for Human Rights & Legal Aid), Pakistan
MADPET (Malaysians against Death Penalty and Torture)
Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC)
Mekong Migration Network (MMN)
Migrant CARE, Perhimpunan Indonesia untuk Buruh Migran Berdaulat
Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)
MIGRANTE Middle East
MIGRANTE International
Mindanao Migrants Center for Empowering Actions, Inc. (MMCEAI)
Myanmar Ethnic Rohingyas Human Rights Organization Malaysia (MERHROM)
National Democratic Party for Human Rights(NDPHR)(exile),SEA Regional Office
National League for Democracy [NLD (LA)], Malaysia
National Institute for Electoral Integrity (NIEI), Malaysia
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, U.S.
Network for Democracy and Development, Thailand
Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia (NAMM)
New Zealand Burma Support Group
NY Committee for Human Rights in the Philippines
OKUP (Ovibashi Karmi Unnayan Program), Bangladesh
Osan Migrant Workers Center in South Korea
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)
Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)
Peoples Service Organization (PSO), Malaysia
Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangot (EMPOWER)
Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS), Malaysia
Persatuan Sahabat Wanita, Selangor
Platform of Filipino Migrant Organisations in Europe - The Netherlands
Pusat KOMAS, Malaysia
Raks Thai Foundation, Thailand
Rohingya Youth Development Forum (RYDF), Malaysia
Shan Refugee Organization Malaysia (SRO)
Shan Women's Action Network (SWAN)
Shwe Gas Movement
St. John's Cathedral HIV Education Centre, Hong Kong
Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
Tenaganita, Malaysia
The Foundation for the Health and Knowledge of Ethnic Labour (MAP)
The Justice, Peace & Solidarity in Mission Office, The Good Shepherd Sisters
The Micah Mandate
Transient Workers Count Too, Singapore
United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFIL-MIGRANTE-HK)
U.S. Campaign for Burma
WARBE Development Foundation - Bangladesh
Women's Aid Organisation (WAO), Malaysia
Women's League of Burma
Workers Hub for Change (WH4C)

* For further information, please contact Charles Hector ( or Pranom Somwong (Bee) ( at 019-2371 300

Thursday, May 21, 2009

致新闻采访主任 人民党决定不参加本南地补选












21B(F) Jalan SJ 6 Taman Selayang Jaya 68100 Batu Caves Selangor

PRM tidak bertanding PRK Penanti


PRM tidak bertanding PRK Penanti

Jawatankuasa Pusat Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) memutuskan supaya tidak bertanding dalam pilihan raya kecil Penanti semalam, dan menyeru pengundi-pengundi memberi sokongan penuh kepada calon Pakatan Rakyat setelah berbincang tentang pandangan organisasi-organisasi dan individu-individu termasuk pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat Pulau Pinang yang diterima PRM.

Setelah PRM mengumumkan keputusan untuk bertanding dalam PRK Penanti, pelbagai pihak telah menghubungi pemimpin pusat dan pemimpin negeri Pulau Pinang PRM. Antaranya, terdapat pandangan yang memberi sokongan kepada PRM, ada juga pendapat yang menasihati supaya PRM tidak meletakkan calon, sebaliknya memberi sokongan kepada Pakatan Rakyat.

Walaupun bertanding dalam mana-mana pilihan raya umum dan pilihan raya kecil merupakan dasar PRM, tetapi pandangan dalaman dan daripada luar parti juga menjadi kayu ukuran yang penting semasa PRM membuat keputusan sama ada masuk untuk bertanding atau tidak.

Jawatankuasa Pusat PRM ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada mana-mana pihak yang menghubungi PRM dan memberikan kata-kata nasihat kepada PRM terhadap keputusan PRM bertanding dalam PRK Penanti.

PRM seperti sediakala tetap menentang dasar kapitalis BN yang rakus dan hanya menguntungkan segelintir elit yang berkuasa. PRM amat menghargai teguran dan nasihat seperti tersebut di atas. Pandangan tersebut akan dipertimbangkan dengan serius dalam proses menentukan keputusan PRM. Dalam pada ini, PRM ingin menyeru tenaga-tenaga yang menentang dasar BN ini supaya bersatu dan nyahkan kuasa pemerintahan BN.

(Koh Swe Yong)

Setiausaha Agung


21B(F) Jalan SJ 6 Taman Selayang Jaya 68100 Batu Caves Selangor












21B(F) Jalan SJ 6 Taman Selayang Jaya 68100 Batu Caves Selangor

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Withdraw Absurd Charges Against Aung San Suu Kyi, says PRM and 21 Malaysian Groups

Media Statement – 16/5/2009



We, the undersigned, are shocked that Aung San Suu Kyi has now been absurdly charged for the offence of breaking the terms of her house arrest, in particular the condition that forbids visitors, after an American man, swam across the lake and entered her house uninvited and refused to leave.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her two assistants were reported to have been charged on 14/5/2009 with breach of detention under Section 22 of the Law Safeguarding the State from the Dangers of Subversive Elements, and their trial is scheduled to begin on Monday (18/5/2009) in an Insein Prison special court set up to handle political dissidents.

American, John William Yettaw, 53, of Falcon, Missouri swam across Inya Lake on the night of May 3 and left the compound early on the night of May 5, swimming a distance of about 2 kilometers. Authorities arrested him later that morning.

In Burma , it is also against the law for a foreigner to stay in the home of a Burmese citizen overnight without approval from authorities.

Dr. Tin Myo Win, Suu Kyi’s family physician, also will allegedly be charged in connection with Yettaw’s staying in Suu Kyi’s compound overnight. Yettaw himself is also expected to be charged, presumably for violating one of Burma ’s internal security laws.

Aung San Suu Kyi and her two assistants, have been taken from her home and is currently being detained in the infamous Insein Prison since 14/5/2009.

Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, 63, the leader of the National League for Democracy(NLD), has spent 13 of the past 19 years in virtual isolation in her home since the Burmese military junta refused to recognise NLD's landslide victory in the country's last elections in 1990.

The most recent, six-year period of detention is due to end on May 27. The junta’s justification for keeping her locked away under the provisions of this draconian 1975 national security law was to protect the state from "destructive elements". Many speculate that this recent incident was created or being manipulated to discredit Suu Kyi and provide justification for the military government to extend her house arrest again.

We call for the immediate withdrawal of this absurd charge levied against Aung San Suu Kyi, and her 2 assistants;

We also call for the immediate and unconditional release of Aung San Suu Kyi and all other political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in Burma ;

We call for ASEAN and ASEAN member governments, including Malaysia, to immediately intervene and urge the government of Burma to respect human rights, and to adhere to the numerous United Nations resolutions, including General Assembly Resolution 49/197 [1995], which, amongst others, “…call on the Government of Myanmar to release unconditionally and immediately the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, who is now in her sixth year of detention without trial, and other political leaders and remaining political prisoners…’

We also call on the United Nations(UN), the European Union(EU) and all concerned nations to act for the immediate withdrawal of this absurd charge, to secure the immediate and unconditional release of all political detainees and to restore democracy and human rights to Burma and its peoples.

Charles Hector

Pranom Somwong

for and on behalf of the following 22 organisations,

All Women's Action Society (AWAM)

Amnesty Malaysia

Burma Campaign , Malaysia

Civil Society Committee of LLG Cultural Development Centre (LLGCSC)

Coordination of Action Research on AIDS & Mobility (CARAM-ASIA )

Friends of Burma , Malaysia

MADPET (Malaysians Against Death Penalty and Torture)

Malaysia Youth and Student Democratic Movement (DEMA)

Migration Working Group (MWG)

Myanmar Refugee Volunteer Group (MRVG)

National Democratic Party for Human Rights (NDPHR-Exile) Malaysia

National Institute for Electoral Intergrity (NIEI)

Network of Action for Migrants in Malaysia (NAMM)

Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)

Persatuan Masyarakat Selangor & Wilayah Persekutuan (PERMAS), Malaysia

Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor (EMPOWER)


Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)


Workers Hub For Change (WH4C)

Writer Alliance for Media Independence (WAMI)

Friday, May 15, 2009



Oleh Hassan Karim

Di sebalik keadaan politik yang terumbang ambing di Perak, seakan mainan yo-yo atau roller coaster, di mana sah atau tidak Menteri Besar (MB) ditentukan oleh mahkamah, saya dapati banyak perkara yang positif dapat diambil sebagai iktibar atau pengajaran dari apa yang telah berlaku.

Pertama, krisis politik di negeri yang pernah kaya dengan bijih timah itu berjalan agak terkawal dan tidak menjadi liar yang boleh membawa ke arah keganasaan seperti di sesetengah negara lain. Masing-masing pihak sama ada Barisan Nasional (BN) ataupun Pakatan Rakyat (PR) memilih mahkamah sebagai saluran untuk menuntut hak atau keadilan bagi pihak yang terkilan. Ini sebenarnya petanda baik bagi sesebuah masyarakat sivil. Walau apapun dikatakan orang tentang sistem kehakiman di Malaysia, tetapi apabila berlaku ketegangan ataupun kebuntuan seperti yang terjadi di Perak itu, mahkamah menjadi tempat rujukan mereka. Justeru itu ia mempekuatkan lagi hujah kita bahawa amat penting institusi kehakiman di negara kita ini diperlihara kebebasan dan kewibawaannya.

Kedua, apabila kemudiannya jelas kelihatan bahawa mahkamah yang diharapkan untuk menyelesaikan masalah atau kemelut di Perak itu gagal dalam membantu membawa kestabilan politik apatah lagi merungkai kemelut yang ada, maka semakin kuat kita berhujah bahawa seeloknya kuasa bagi menentukan legitimasi atau keesahan sesebuah kerajaan atau seseorang Menteri Besar itu dikembalikan kepada rakyat untuk menentukannya, bukannya pada para hakim. Justeru itu mandat bagi sesebuah kerajaan yang memerintah mesti datang dari rakyat. Jadi adalah lojik jika kebuntuan di Perak sekarang ini diselesaikan dengan pembubaran Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) yang ada sekarang untuk membolehkan satu pilihanraya di adakan bagi seluruh Perak. Biar mandat baru ditentukan oleh rakyat.

Saya percaya, pemerintah mandatnya mesti datang dari rakyat. Menteri Besar yang memimpin mesti dikelilingi oleh rakyat dengan selesa bukannya dikelilingi oleh anggota polis untuk terus berkuasa. Kerajaan yang sah tidak memerlukan dokongan dan sokongan polis untuk menjaga bangunan-bangunan kerajaan atau keselamatan para pemimpinnya. Jika sesebuah kerajaan terpaksa bergantung kepada sokongan polis itu bermakna kerajaan polis bukannya kerajaan awam yang direstui rakyat.

Ketiga, krisis di Perak ini menjelaskan lagi satu hakikat bahawa raja-raja Melayu adalah raja berperlembagaan bukannya raja mutlak. Kini kuasa raja untuk melantik atau menurunkan seseorang Menteri Besar boleh dirujuk ke mahkamah untuk semakan kehakiman (Judicial Review). Ramai para pendukung sistem feudal marah-marah dan bersedih tentang hakikat ini. Tetapi bagi kita yang memandang ke depan dan mahu mara menjadi masyarakat yang demokratik dan progresif maka adalah sehat untuk melihat bahawa hakikatnya kini kuasa raja-raja adalah dihadkan oleh perlembagaan negeri masing-masing dan juga Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Amat perlu raja-raja di Malaysia memahami bahawa mereka terpaksa berkongsi kuasa dengan Dewan Undangan Negeri atau Parlimen yang para anggotanya dipilih oleh rakyat melalui undi di dalam pilihanraya yang bebas. Sangat cantik apabila membaca hujahan seorang hakim Mahkamah Tinggi Malaya baru-baru ini bahawa seseorang Menteri Besar apabila telah dilantik oleh Sultan, maka Menteri Besar itu bertanggungjawab terus kepada Dewan Undangan Negeri bukannya kepada Sultan. Ini sesuatu yang positif dalam sistem demokrasi yang berasaskan kuasa datang dari rakyat dan ditempatkan di dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri ataupun Parlimen jika di peringkat Persekutuan.

Keempat, krisis politik di Perak tidak diselesaikan di atas jalanraya. Sepatutnya ia diselesaikan di dalam Dewan Undangan Negeri. Tetapi pihak-pihak yang terlibat seperti dikatakan awal tadi memilih mahkamah untuk menjadi medan mereka berjuang bagi merebut semula kuasa. Yang mendapat rahmat dalam perkara ini ialah undang-undang perlembagaan Malaysia akan diperkayakan dengan pelbagai penghakiman berkisar isu krisis perlembagaan di Perak sekarang ini. Hakim-hakim di mahkamah sekarang terpaksa bekerja keras untuk mentafsirkan undang-undang kerana para politikus yang terlibat telah menguji setiap sudut dan batas perlembagaan negeri Perak dan Persekutuan.

Kelima, dapat dilihat bahawa ternyata peranan polis dan pentadbiran awam di Perak sepanjang krisis ini berlaku tidak begitu menyenangkan hati. Polis dan perkhidmatan awam sepatutnya bersikap bebas dan berkecuali ataupun neutral. Tetapi kelihatan Polis dan perkhidmatan awam begitu condong dan memihak kepada BN. Hal tidak sihat ini telah ditegur oleh Suhakam. Polis dan perkhidmatan awam sepatutnya kekal berkecuali. Tampuk kerajaan yang dikuasai oleh parti-parti politik sebenarnya boleh bertukar ganti. Misalnya di Perak selama ini dikuasai oleh BN dan mulai Mac 2008 bertukar kepada PR. Polis dan perkhidmatan awam yang telah sekian lama duduk di bawah pemerintahan BN mungkin agak sukar untuk menerima hakikat bahawa PR kini yang berkuasa. Jadi apabila berlaku krisis di mana BN dapat merampas kuasa maka ternyata Polis dan Perkhidmatan awam kelihatan begitu ghairah untuk menyebelahi BN. Ini tidak kena. Polis dan perkhidmatan awam tidak ada kuasa untuk mengembalikan BN kepada tampuk kuasa. Yang ada kuasa untuk berbuat demikian ialah rakyat atau lebih tepat lagi iaitu para pengundi. Sebab itu pentingnya pilihanraya yang baru diadakan di Perak. Jika BN menang dalam pilihanraya akan datang di Perak ini, tentu sahaja ia kembali berkuasa dengan cara yang sah dan mulia, tetapi tidak seperti sekarang yang kelihatan seperti coup d’etat.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

PRM stays out of Penanti (Malaysiakini)

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) has decided not to contest in this month's Penanti by-election but will instead throw its weight behind PKR candidate Mansor Othman.

The decision, made by the party's Penang leadership, was in contrast to an earlier announcement by PRM secretary-general Koh Swe Yong who had stated an interest to contest in the by-election.

However, Penang PRM decided not to field a candidate following a committee meeting last weekend as it was not prepared to burn its bridges with Pakatan Rakyat.

penang penanti gary nair prm vice president  interview 150409 04Explaining this, PRM vice-president V Gary Nair said the committee's 'no contest' decision was based on several reasons.

He said PRM should not be contesting against Pakatan in Penanti after pledging political and moral support for the coalition over past 15 months.

He pointed out that Anwar even kick-started his electoral campaign in Penang at last year's general election with his first rally at PRM headquarters in Gelugor.

PRM leaders have also campaigned for Pakatan candidates during the general election and the subsequent by-elections in Permatang Pauh, Bukit Selambau and Bukit Gantang.

"We can't become a hypocrite and make a somersault in our political stance," said Gary Nair, who doubles up his role as the PRM Penang chief.

penanti state seat penang 200409Penanti state seat became vacant when incumbent representative, former deputy chief minister 1 Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin resigned on April 16.

PKR has announced that it would field PKR state deputy chief and former academician Mansor as Pakatan candidate, while former PKR state women leader Aminah Abdullah has indicated her desire to contest the seat as an independent candidate.

Meanwhile, Islamic-based Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia (Akim) has also indicated its interest to contest.

PKR's arch-rival Umno will decide on May 18 on whether it would field a candidate under the Barisan Nasional ticket.

Polling is on Sunday, May 31, and nomination is on Saturday, May 23.

Disappointed with ex-leaders

PRM has always been a political opponent to the ruling BN coalition in Putrajaya and its predecessor, the Alliance, since its formation in the 1950s.

The tiny party, which is easily recognisable with its wild buffalo mascot, as well as the Labour Party were political powerhouses under the Socialist Front banner in Penang in the 50s and 60s.

But since the Front boycotted the 1969 general election, it was downhill for both PRM and the Labour Party, which went into oblivion soon after.

The last time PRM picked up a seat was in 1978 general election when then president Kassim Ahmad won the Balik Pulau parliamentary constituency in Penang.

"Being a BN rival ever since we were born, we cannot be challenging Pakatan," said Gary Nair.

prm court case 100107He also expressed confidence that the imminent High Court verdict in Kuala Lumpur on May 26 on the former PRM leaders' suit against Registrar of Societies would favour PRM.

He said that a favourable decision by the court would allow the party to become a Pakatan coalition partner and field candidates across the country in the 13th general election.

The suit is to urge the ROS to deregister PRM following the party's merger with PKR in 2001.

However, those party members who were against the merger had decided to stay with PRM and are against the deregistration.

In 2001, some 60 percent of PRM's estimated 10,000 members voted at the party annual congress in favour of a merger with Parti Keadilan Nasional, PKR's predecessor.

The congress then held an extraordinary congress in the same year to rubber stamp the formal dissolution of PRM and solemnise its merger with Keadilan into a new entity - the PKR.

However, according to Gary Nair, the extraordinary congress never took place, which allowed PRM to exist legally until now, with some 4,000 members nationwide.

He is furious over the venomous campaign carried out by former PRM leaders now in PKR to discredit PRM.

"We have no qualms against those who have joined other parties such as PKR and Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

"But we cannot comprehend the reasons behind their overzealous drive to undermine and destroy us," said a furious Gary Nair. - Malaysiakini, 14/5/2009, PRM stays out of Penanti

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Kenyataan Media Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) - 7-5-09

PRM Bantah Penggunaan Akta Hasutan 1948

PRM Bantah Penahanan aktivis BERSIH Wong Chin Huat

PRM Mengutuk Penahanan Naib Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu.

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) membantah serta mengutuk kerajaan Barisan Nasional (BN) dengan zalimnya mengguna Akta Hasutan 1948 yang ketinggalan zaman menahan aktivis BERSIH Wong Chin Huat . PRM juga membantah dan mengutuk penahanan Naib Presiden PAS Mohamad Sabu. PRM menuntut supaya kedua-dua aktivis dibebaskan segera.

Wong Chin Huat dan BERSIH menyeru rakyat di seluruh negera memakai pakaian hitam pada 7 Mei 2009 untuk membantah perbuatan Barisan Nasional yang merampas kuasa pemerintah negeri Perak tanpa mengikuti peraturan dan proses undang-undang yang telah ditetapkan oleh kerajaan BN sendiri hanya menjalankan hak politik demokratik dan tanggungjawab seseorang warganegara.

Dengan demikian, rakyat diseru membantah kelakuan segelintir elit yang tamak dan gila akan kuasa dan perolehan kuasa tanpa menghiraukan peraturan-peraturan yang wujud semata-mata untuk memenuhi kehendak dan kehausan kuasa. Jika perbuatan tersebut dibiarkan berlaku begitu sahaja, akhirnya yang menerima padah adalah rakyat.

Perbuatan penahanan dan penghadapan Wong Chin Huat kepada mahkamah juga mendedahkan BN takut akan bayang perbuatan diri sendiri.

BN masih berpegang pada fikiran kolot bahawa undang-undang opresif dan zalim gubahan kerajaan penjajah Inggeris yang telah digunakan selama 60 untuk menindas rakyat negara ini yang menuntut keadilan dan demokrasi masih sesuai dipakaiguna dan berkesan serta efektif untuk menekan dan melenyapkan suara rakyat yang membantah dan berfikiran lain (dissension), serta untuk melindungi kuasa pemerintah BN yang diperoleh melalui cara yang tidak sah dan tidak bermoral.

Perbuatan kerajaan BN ini dengan jelasnya memperlihatkan perubahan yang diuar-uarkan oleh pimpinan baru UMNO tidak lain daripada permainan wayang kulit untuk menghiburkan hati rakyat yang telah muak dan jijik dengan pemerintahan BN.

Oleh itu, PRM menyeru rakyat negara ini walaupun terdiri daripada aliran fahaman politik dan fikiran berlainan supaya bersatu-padu menentang kerajaan BN yang memerintah negara ini secara diktator dan tamak, demi merealisasikan cita-cita rakyat yang diidam-idamkan dan diperjuangkan selama 60 tahun Sejas 1948, lalu membina semula sebuah negara yang adil dan demokratik pada ketika negara dalam peringkat perkembangan sejarah yang baru.

Koh Swe Yong

Setiausaha Agung,

Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM)


Thursday, May 7, 2009

NST:-A six-cornered fight appears likely (7/5/2009)

A six-cornered fight appears likely
Datuk Mustafa Ali says Pas should respect the seat allocation arrangements made last year
Datuk Mustafa Ali says Pas should respect the seat allocation arrangements made last year

GEORGE TOWN: It could be a crowded contest for the Penanti state seat, even if Barisan Nasional decides to skip the by-election on May 31.

To date, Parti Keadilan Rakyat, an independent, Parti Rakyat Malaysia and Angkatan Keadilan Insan Malaysia have declared their intention to contest.

The contest could even become a six-cornered fight if Pas dissidents put up their own candidate and BN gives the nod for Umno to contest.

When contacted yesterday, Akim president Hanafi Mamat confirmed the party would be fielding a candidate.

"We held a meeting recently and decided that we should field our own candidate. We have the support from the ground," he said, adding that the candidate would be a local from Penanti.
He said the identity of the candidate would be revealed on nomination day on May 23.

Last Tuesday, PKR de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced Mansor Othman as his party's choice, adding that he would be named deputy chief minister I if he wins the seat.

Aminah Abdullah, a former state PKR Wanita chief, has also said she would run as an independent.

PRM secretary-general Koh Swe Yong had in a statement last Thursday said the party would be fielding a candidate.

On Tuesday, newly-elected Pas Youth chief Mohd Yusni Mat Piah floated the possibility of fielding an independent candidate despite party spiritual leader Datuk Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat and elections director Datuk Mustafa Ali having said that Pas would respect the seat allocation arrangements made before the general election last year.

Yusni said the demand from the grassroots for Pas to contest was too strong to be ignored as they were unhappy with the way PKR's Mohammad Fairus Khairuddin resigned to force the by-election.

He said that the "independent" Pas candidate was willing to face expulsion from the party.- New Straits Times, 7/5/2009, A six-cornered fight appears likely